"There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do." ~Freya Stark
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Fruit Ridge Hayrides
We took a trip to the Fruit Ridge Hayrides Apple Orchard today! Here is the wagon ride we took. We saw pumpkins, apple trees, lots of woods, and corn fields. Our wagon was pulled by "Bill," and his two horses, "Ben," and "Bob." They were magnificent! We also picked apples, ate freshly made doughnuts, and bought a gallon of cider to bring home. Owen also loved the pig barrel ride, and the farm animals they had around. Very fun!
Owen is in the 90th percentile. But, I'm not sure exactly how tall...I'll have to check that. LOL. But, he does wear size 5 shirts and size 4 pants. I can't seem to stop him from growing. LOL. Janet
I love the hayride pics! What a beautiful day. We need to get ourselves to the orchard soon. We'be gotta pick up some punkins, too!
I love hayrides! What a fun day this must have been!
Guys, how tall is Owen now? Wow! He's getting big!
Owen is in the 90th percentile. But, I'm not sure exactly how tall...I'll have to check that. LOL. But, he does wear size 5 shirts and size 4 pants. I can't seem to stop him from growing. LOL.
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