Today, 40 people in our homeschool group went to tour the radio station for Uncle Charlie's Children's Bible Hour! Uncle Charlie took us around the station, and even let a few children read and be taped. He also had a time to share some "Tricks that Teach," as he put it. He is a ventriloquist and all the kids laughed and laughted as he spoke with his friend, "Samuel." Then he called little old ME up to the stage to do a trick. He was trying to give me instuctions on how to tie a knot, but every time, he could and I couldn't. Finally, he asked me to put my rope in his hands, and it worked for him. The lesson is to leave things in God's hands, especially when they don't work out for us. As we were leaving, he gave each child a packet with the April/May issue of "Keys for Kids." After lunch, I got a call from Uncle Charlie, and he wants Owen to work on a few lines. Then if he can feel comfortable, he wants Owen to actually be on tape for a program. How cool is that????
Uncle Charlie, giving us some history of when he started on the radio at 7 years old.

One of the recording rooms.

"Keys for Kids," devotionals printed to send out.

Splicing room to put tapes together.

Large group of children listening to Uncle Charlie.

Uncle Charlie, the ventriloquist, and his friend, "Samuel."

Owen and his friends, laughing at Samuel.

Me, assisting in the"Tricks that teach."

Some of the older kids showing we should trust that God will work it all out, when we follow his directions.

Uncle Charlie and Owen.

Miss Marsha, who also was in the radio shows with her husband as a child.
Looks like lots of fun! Your homeschooling group seems to be so active. I don't have any children but have often thought that when I do I may homeschool them. Looks like your guys had fun!
Thanks! :) We schedule a field trip per month. Then, since I only have one child, I work hard at involving Owen in as many things as I can. Most of them are free, like the library, play dates, church. But, he likes gymnastics too. One of the best things is he gets socialized by adults as well as children of all ages.
That's so cool that Owen might be able to do some recording for them! His talking skills just might make him famous!
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