Our water heater broke as of about a half hour ago? Half of our basement is flooded. So, if you could please pray that our landlord will be able to get a new one quickly, and that from now till then, we can get the emergency things done, like get the flooded areas cleaned up enough to stop any more damage. It's up in the air right now, when we will be able to use water. That means no flushing toilets, no running water of any kind, no showers, etc. I'm going to have to cancel Owen's playdate also.
Here's Mr. Dean, (our landlord), cleaning up the water as I post....It's 4 minutes past midnight. Owen doesn't seem to know anything is going on. He's sleeping upstairs, even with this LOUD shop vac working.
Water, water, everywhere.
You are in my thoughts! I send you all lots of strength to get through this. What a mess! I'd offer for you to stay at mine... only problem is there is an ocean between us...
Oh, Janet - I'm sorry. What a pain in the neck! I hope you can get things back to normal quickly!
Thanks, ladies. :) You are both so sweet. :) This morning, despite the valve to the heater beign turned off, it leaked throughout the night. Even after our landlord came and stayed till 1am to shop vac the water out. The plumber is here right now, replacing the heater. Charlie had to take a vacation day off to be home. I don't feel comfortable with unknown men in the house. LOL. Hopefully this can be resolved before Thanksgiving day here.
Oh no! I hope none of your stuff got ruined. That is a pain. Not even cold showers? Eeek! Maybe a neighbor will let you come in and shower and give Owen a bath?
“Mr. Dean” is one good landlord for helping you out on your water heater situation in an ungodly hour! I think every landlord should act like that. It will surely please their tenants. :-)[Elia Lester]
That’s a lot of water! Dealing with this mess can be a pain, especially if it happened in the wee hours. Good thing Mr. Dean was there to help! A landlord’s attention and a professional’s patch up job are in order for this kind of situation. [Althea Tumlin]
That’s very nice of Mr. Dean! He cleaned up the mess all by himself! By the way, when did the plumbers come? Or who fixed the problem? I just hope this incident will not happen to you again.
-Darryl Iorio
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