Isn't he cute in his orange Home Depot apron? And look, he is starting to rack up a few pins on it too! :) Daddy said that he really enjoyed himself. We've put a leaf in the press already, and it takes about 3-5 days to dry. I can't wait to see our first leaf. Now I need to get him a scrapbook. LOL.

Can you also use this item as a tortilla or panini press? I'm wondering if its multi-functional.
LOL. What a great idea, Auntie Julie! :) Grilled ham and cheese panini's all around!
Mmm, I'll be there for lunch! lol That looks like loads of fun. I hope we can take Ian to do things like that some day. :)
I wont show Christopher that home depot apron, with Chuck doing so much work in the house Christopher might want to help out..think he helped
Coming from someone who worked many years in customer service, we liked to refer to the pins as personal "flare"
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