Wednesday, September 1, 2010

6th Year Doctor Appointment

Owen went to his 6th year doctor appointment yesterday. He weighed 49lbs, and was 46.75 inches tall. I didn't weight 50lbs until I was in 5th GRADE! :O lol Anyway, that represents an 8lb gain, and 3 inches of growth since last year. That puts him slightly above the 50th percentile. The Dr. says the he is her most healthy child. She rarely gets to see him....just at the yearly appointments. We love Dr. Kruggel. Now if we can just get Owen to stay off my camera. I've had to hide it lately. He took 96 pictures the other day, of various rediculous things. lol Like...the doorknob, shelves, the white wall....and even these cute pictures of himself. lol


Chris said...

96 pictures! Wow! He cracks me up. Don't delete them all; they'll be fun to show him when he's older! lol

Maisy said...

Oh, I didn't delete them. I saved them all on Picasa. lol Saving them for a day when I'm down, so I can get a laugh.