Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Ruff Readers"

Owen was invited to come read to some therapy dogs at the Gaines Township Library on Monday nights in February. We had so much fun. There were 4 dogs, but Owen chose "Sage" to read to. He read, "Mr Putter and Tabby Feed the Fish," by Cynthia Rylant. This is one of his favorite books! Owen thought it was a hoot, and is excited to come back next Monday night. They will offer this again in June, I think the librarian said. We look forward to that.
Here is Miss Sue, the dog's owner....and Sage and Owen.

Sometimes, Sage seemed interested...

And sometimes not...

But, they had a great connection.


Unknown said...

How cute! Cynthia Rylant is from my state - WV! :)

Chris said...

Janet - I think that's just adorable! I've never heard of that book; I'll have to check it out for Aaron.

Julie said...

How fun for him! That is a really neat program!